
SS03: Holographic Arts – Lightworks Remixes (c50)
10 tracks from key synth-underground figures, shot through the HA prism.  Ambient spectres solidify as rhythmic bodies, navigating the grid.  A holographic record of a droned-out disco, featuring (in order of appearance): Afterlife, Dry Valleys, Hobo Cubes, Motion Sickness of Time Travel, Venn Rain, Sundrips, Nova Scotian Arms, Panabrite, Bill Doob and Trailing.   A trick of the light is all.
Numbered edition of 70 pro-dubbed imprinted tapes, with art by Jen

Price inc. postage:

SS04: Former Selves / Journey of Mind - split (c24)
Take the trip and forget yourself.  It was all a myth anyway.  Two lights guide the way:  Former Selves sources soporific synth streams that ebb and flow with the moons, rippling phrases carried along the way.  Journey of Mind lights the path with beacons of static-ridden luminescent samples, warped on re-entry.  Feel your way – it’s the way you feel.   
Numbered edition of 50 pro-dubbed imprinted tapes, with art by Jen and Jimmy


SS05: Karl M V Waugh / Tidal - split (c30)
The bearded Brightonian, regular A Band-it , resident Zero Map-per and all round mathematical master of the experimental arts, Karl M V Waugh (and his cat, Bettie) beckons us into his lair with a hallowed stretch of cavernously dark ambience.  Diffuse tones drift into the distance, groaning, hissing, soothing.  On the other side is Jimmy Billingham’s offering to the nocturnal seekers, through his Tidal representative.  Thick stretches of pensive tones fill the night air amidst a chorus of buzzing insects and tactile tribalisms.  Listen up and see in the dark.
Numbered edition of 50 pro-dubbed stamped tapes, with reversible art by Jen